Health is Wealth .

Dishaa Singhi
3 min readMar 18, 2021

Writing for the first time, it seemed that I just survived a tsunami and my hands trembling so badly with the characters being fishes floating in the vast oceans and BackSpace being the actual antagonist or rather the shark of my blog. I suppose I am deviating from my topic so let us start with what is actually mentioned as “Title”.

‘Health is Wealth’ is a really famous or maybe the most common phrase a tod hears practically everyday from his/her guardians and they have been hearing so from their ancestral when it comes to sweets/chocolates. This has now become more like a tradition of repeating it a 1000 times (or rather an infinite times) till the former attains puberty (or even after that). But very few actually realize the meaning behind it.

The so called concept of NUTRITION and the rampant increase in the number of “Fitness Freaks” has created a Propaganda. It is more like flaunting in front of friends and relatives than actually practicing it. But let me remind you of the fact that neglecting your health and just being focused to become wealthy doesn’t really pay off.

Most of the individuals have this notion that drinking Black Coffee is actually a good way to lose weight. But did you know that it causes Coronary Heart Blockage ultimately leading to Angina Pectoris or even Cardiac Arrest. Graphs show that even adolescents are trapped in these FALLSY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS.

Cardiovascular Collapse Rates.

“People consider a DIET to be the food they are consuming rather than the mentality” said by Jason Vale truly personifies its meaning. The increased rates of Marathons have not affected the death rates even a bit. Did youever think that instead of blaming the doctor we better look into our lifestyles and eating habits?

The first reply from your sub-conscious mind will be “NO”. A healthy outside always starts from inside and presently its a contrite to say but our own conscious is not holistic.

Just want to conclude by saying that its just our psychology which determines whether we are fat/thin. These words have mere importance in our lives that to till we are adolescents. What really matters is our positive thoughts and a bright mind leading to a beginning of a new morning.

Laughing is a Good Exercise. So lets take a pledge and laugh together

